“How am I to protect my wax-built castles of love
From the devouring heat of your fires?”
Sayat Nova
In the tradition of Louise Bourgeois’ “Femme-Maison”, the utopian/dystopian atmosphere of the domestic is reconstituted.
Black wax-built forms like houses floating in the air that the artist melts down, uncovering their skeletons one by one, leaving behind a floating graveyard of the houses she once built.
As Alva Gotby argues in her book “They call it Love: the politics of Emotional Life”, in a capitalistic society, reproductive and emotional labor is celebrated through the image of the self-sacrificing mother-wife and through a narrative solely devoted to love, where happiness and self-fulfillment overlay with conjugal romance, a stable and fertile household, and a crowd of well-behaved children.
In practice, these ideals turn out mostly as a zero-sum game with women on the losing end.
To change the way we relate to each other will require revolt and a radical restructuring of society.
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